Sleep cool throughout the night with a Micro Gel Cooled Beads mattress
Micro Gel Cooled Beads are infused within the memory foam. Memory foam was first designed in the mid-1960s for NASA airplane seats. Memory foam is made from a substance called visco-elastic. It is both soft and highly absorbent. When the Micro Gel Cooled Beads are infused with the memory foam this gives you all the benefits of memory foam but without the heat trapping properties. Memory foam by itself tends to trap in the heat and you may become uncomfortably warm while sleeping.
The Micro Gel Cooled Beads are designed to be cool to the touch and adds support when the memory foam is compressed. The gel beads are slow to change temperature and become cool during the day, making the bed feel cool when you lie down. The open cell gel materials let air move through the bed and away from your body, keeping the sleeping surface cooler. This keeps heat from being trapped in the bed, and thus the beds surface will remain cool throughout the entire night.
Micro Gel Cooled Beads are also great for allergy sufferers. The Micro Gel Cooled Beads mattress materials are made of inorganic fibers. These fibers prevent allergy causing dust mites from settling in because there is no food for them to thrive on inside a Micro Gel Cooled Beads mattress.
There are numerous benefits as to why one should buy a Micro Gel Cooled Beads mattress such as, it selectively displaces pressure along the length of one’s body. Pressure points are relieved and thus there is less body aches and soreness. It helps the sleeper achieve an ideal sleeping posture by assisting with proper alignment of the spine when lying down. Sleeping in the correct posture can help with a sore back and other painful ailments.